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NEWS Gathering
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One last one-act

"One last one-act" is a 300-word news story about the CCHS drama department's performance. I wrote news on this branch of the school throughout the entire year and learned to interview in a timely manner and keep the news stories concise. In previous years, the OMG has struggled to provide constant news on the drama department, so taking it as one of my responsibilities was a great opportunity to reach all branches of the school. I learned about this part of the school I had never really seen before and was able to see their dynamic and all the hard work they put into their shows.

Here’s the drama

This is another one of the pieces covering the drama department at CCHS. Because I was given the opportunity to cover this department, which frequently has news on upcoming plays and performances, I was given the chance to further advance my news writing skills. I developed a strong relationship with many of the actors and actresses I continuously interviewed, as well as the drama department teacher, Harriet Anderson. Because of this level of comfort, I was able to produce quick and accurate news to inform CCHS.

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Our high school’s musical

Part of producing content covering the drama department is covering upcoming performances. Through this piece, I learned the importance of the inverted triangle and the student and teacher voice. Ms. Anderson and the actors were happy to be interviewed because they were so excited about the performance. This piece was the start to the entire show-prepping process, where I then covered their rehearsals and news in regards to the play every few weeks.

Reaching Holmes base

Last semester, I was assigned to cover news on the softball team every 3 weeks, and this was the first news story I wrote for my assignment. The team recently got a new coach, Alex Holmes, who was previously the CCHS cross country team coach. This story was interesting to write because I was given the opportunity to learn more about the team dynamic and how the team felt about Holmes.

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Running towards region

“Running towards region” was a story I wrote about the CCHS softball team as a preview before the region competition. When interviewing for this piece, I discovered the team had a difficult schedule and had not had the best luck in the past with their region. While I worked to make this news accurate and balanced, I also was able to put an inspirational twist on it through the coach's interview, portraying the team’s bond and taking beyond just a sports game.

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