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ODYSSEY-styled pitches

Before stories and interviews begin, the OMG has a brainstorm and pitch process. In a document, we identify the "who, what, when, where why" of our best brainstorm and dive deeper into our vision of the story across all platforms.

The show will go on

When the CCHS play cast of "High School Musical" was missing a primary role in their production, I was assigned to go conduct interviews and write a news story about the last-minute changes before the showcase. Finding this angle and reporting the news at a timely rate was a challenge, but bettered me in the area of handling investigative and sensitive content. I had to be careful because it was so close to the showcase, many refused to speak to me about the show chaos. However, because I handled things in a calm and ethical manner and went directly to the expert voice, the drama teacher, the story was posted on time.

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You snooze, you lose

“You snooze, you lose” was my final feature story last year. In this piece of writing, I interviewed multiple athletes to discover their feelings about the time commitment of school sports. Many of my sources held a strong beliefs on this matter, so I had to be especially careful to remain neutral and produce a fair and balanced news story.

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Media Literacy practice

To practice media literacy, we have done multiple activities analyzing stories of other publications. To the right is an assignment we completed in class where we read a variety of stories that interested us and took notes on their glows and grows.

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